Stable Booking AF

stables available ON SITE - Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun



Please note - stables are available from 6pm on the date booked until 5.30pm the next day  


Warm up arena may be available to ride in between 6pm & but please note - NO LUNGING and please keep to the allocated warm up arena - NO RIDING IN ANY OTHER ARENA




Shavings only allowed on the yard - NO STRAW OR PAPER.


Bedding purchase, if required, must be PRE BOOKED ONLY BY 10am WEDNESDAY AT THE LATEST -

bedding will not be available to purchase on site


Please make sure the stable is vacated by 5.30pm and left with ALL wet and muck removed and NO hay etc left in - please leave as you would hope to find them

Please scroll down, form on the right had side.


Please note, while every care is taken, no responsibility can be taken for horses or wagons/ trailers/ vehicles left on site.


No refunds on stables or hook up once booked unless they can be filled by Waitlist, in which case a £10 admin fee will be taken from refund

stables etc are not transferable to other people or other events


Please note - all prices are subject to VAT at 20%

How to enter

Enter Online Fill In Form Opposite

Dressage BSJA Unaff SJ Showcross Showing/WH Clinics Fun Day / Mini SJ Others
Stables available from 6pm- 5.30pm. All stables must be Vacated & Clean by 5.30pm:

Stables are £48.50 Per night (+VAT) (From 6pm – 5.30pm):

Shavings are £10 per bale (+ VAT) & must be pre booked

Hook up is £40 Per night (+ VAT, From 6pm - 5pm):

Rider Details:

Mobile number: