EVE SJ - PRE entry only




Collect points throughout the season  - at any height - Junior AND Senior with the most points on the final night will win a Trophy, RUG,  Championship rosette 

AND the Title - Port Royal Night Owls Champion 2025!


2nd & 3rd highest points, Juniors & Seniors, will each win a Championship rosette and a 15kg Horslyx balancer


This series runs from 2nd April to 17th September - check out the website for all the dates and start collecting those points


(The winners must be present on the Final night to collect their awards)






   Casual competition wear for top (eg jumper or coat ok, no hoods please)-

Jods, correct boots and hat still to be worn please.


Horse and Ponies will jump together but will be judged separately

Juniors – Ponies 14.2hh and under, Riders 16 years and under

Seniors – Horses exceeding 14.2hh, Riders any age

(or Riders 17 years & over on ponies)

Gates open 5pm



  • prize money (where payable)  will be returned to the card you paid by within 24 hours of the finish of the show


  •  Timings will be produced - please make sure you check your time and are ready to go -

             unfortunately, if you miss your time you miss your slot 




5.30pm Start - Clear Round. – PRE ENTRY ONLY

(Max height 65cm / 2ft) Entry fee £12 Limited places.


To start promptly at 6pm – PRE ENTRY ONLY

CLASSES 1, 2, 3,4, 5

Entry Fee £18

Prizes £15, £10, £5,   (where sufficient entries)


All classes will be run as Single phase competitions – All riders jump full course of 12 fences (unless eliminated), there will be a timed section fences 7 - 12


Class 1 – 70cm 

 Single Phase.  


Class 2 – 75cm

Single Phase


Class 3 –85cm

Single Phase


Class 4 – 90cm

Single Phase


Class 5 - 1m

Single Phase


Entries close at 11am on Monday.



Please check website for times on Monday after 8pm  www.portroyaleec.co.uk  

  • Entries booked and paid for on line via website only please


 Entry fees cannot be refunded once entries have closed unless class is cancelled.

Entries booked and then cancelled before close of entries will be refunded minus a £5 admin fee

(please e mail your request to withdraw by close of entries to portroyal.eec@outlook.com )



Unaffiliated competitions, Prize money ratio where applicable; 

Split Seniors and Juniors - 5-9=1st prize, 10-14-2nd prize, 15 + =3rd prize

Prize money will be paid back to the card you paid your entries from via the booking system




Please note - all entry fees for Eve SJ INCLUDE VAT



How to enter

Enter Online Fill In Form Opposite

Port Royal Equestrian and Show Centre

Show Details:

I would like to enter: (Please state whether Senior or Junior)
Horses Details:

Owners Details:

Riders Details:

Contact Details: