Stable Booking form BS
Please note - there is a limited number available - all permanent boxes with rubber matting
Booked on a first come basis
Stable booking form - if you require more than one stable for the same night please
CHANGE THE NUMBER MANUALLY AND PRESS RECALCULATE to put the correct number of stables in the basket -
please check carefully that you have paid for the correct number required
Please note - stables are available from 5pm on the date booked until 5pm the next day
Shavings only allowed on the yard - NO STRAW OR PAPER.
Please make sure the stable is vacated by 5pm and left with ALL wet and muck removed and NO hay etc left in - please leave as you would hope to find them
Please scroll down, form on the right had side.
Please note, while every care is taken, no responsibility can be taken for horses or wagons/ trailers/ vehicles left on site.
No refunds on stables or hook up once booked unless they can be filled from waiting list
(in which case there will be a £5 admin fee payable on refund)
PLEASE NOTE - Stables cannot be 'sold on' to a 3rd party as we need an accurate record of those on site for health and safety of all involved - PASSPORTS WILL BE CHECKED
Please note - all prices are subject to VAT at 20%